The 'March of Muslims against Terrorism' on its third day
by Kamel Abderrahmani

Yesterday the march was welcomed to Brussels by the interior minister. Organizer: "If Muslims speak with a loud voice, there will be no terrorism." Next stage, Saint Étienne de Rouvery.

Brussels (AsiaNews) - The expedition of 63 imams arrived in Brussels yesterday around 10 am, where it was warmly received. At 11am, the imams met in front of the Stock Exchange to pay homage and pray for the victims of the attacks at Brussels Airport and the Maelbeek metro. Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon welcomed the participants.

Brussels is the third city visited by this "March of Muslims against Terrorism," which will continue its journey, stopping in European cities hit by Jihadist terrorism.

The intellectual Marek Halter, organizer of this brave initiative with Imam Drancy Hassan Chelghoumi, was interviewed before the meeting. He said: "If Muslims speak with one loud voice, there will be no terrorism anymore." He maintains, "these people [the jihadists] stain a splendid religion."

The "March", which wants to dissociate the Muslim community from terrorism, will continue its journey and will arrive today at Saint Étienne de Rouvery to pay homage to Father Hamel, who was murdered by barbaric jihadism.

London should have been one of the destinations, but because of a lack of means, the 63 imams will not be able to reach the capital of the United Kingdom.