02/22/2014, 00.00
乌克兰 - 俄罗斯


反对派现在想要废黜总统。国会投票恢复2004年宪法、特赦抗议者、改革法例希望使季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)。艺术家奥利也(Olesya Drashkaba)在迈丹广场发表「生命」,即使陷于死亡边缘。

基辅(亚洲新闻)- 总统维克托·亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)在基辅的办公室已经空置,也没有卫兵守护;安全部队也不见在迈丹,示威者似乎已经完全控制局面。







艺术家奥利也(Olesya Drashkaba)在示威者的博客上发表她的反省文章,以下是翻译该文的全文:

"No normal person can remain indifferent to what's happening in my Ukraine! All of these beautiful faces of the murdered (you deliberately shoot the most beautiful, you dogs!). All of this blood, the explosions and gunfire. All this is terrible! Terrible! I weep over every drop of spilled blood!

BUT I would say that right now, right next to all of this death, I see so much life!

The toughest young supporters, who sit atop the barricades with such grace, managing to even strut a little... this is life!

Girls usually decked out in the latest fashions, as if they had stepped straight off the catwalk, on the front line in treating the wounded ... this is life!

The "fearsome" grannies, braver than the entire army all together (with all due respect to the latter! Moreover, the army should have a battalion of grannies it could learn a lot) who are out their shrouded by gases without any masks (and don't dare offer them yours they won't accept!) why? Because they are doing it precisely so "you young people can live better" ... this is life!

Heroic doctors, with their exhausted faces, who closely monitor your meds, to not accidentally take something that you have already and can be of use to other doctors ... this is life!

Women who buy medicines at 8 euro per pack (note: in Ukraine the average salary is 200 euro per month) and press on the pharmacist to hurry so they can return " before they start again" ... this is life!

The "sex symbol" of Maidan, those we have named the "Right flank", and to whom we turn in the most difficult moments for their military organization ("Does anyone know what the right flank does? ), Who are SO happy when we bring them chocolates .... this is life!

Housewives who distribute home cooked meals, apologizing for having brought so "little" ... this is life!

The people in the tents (note: there is always someone sleeping in the streets to guard the barricades) , who ask you not to bring anything, but only "to visit them for a chat" and then you learn that when they are not on Maidan, these are people who go to the theater in the evening and are well cultured ... this is Life

The people from cities around Kiev, and who could simply say "what do we care!", but who with their sticks block the berkut buses (note: armed police)  ... this is life!

The grandparents, who throw themselves on the berkut so they "will not take out the younger" ... this is life!

That extraordinary stuntman who saved so many people from the burning Union building awaiting the arrival of the firemen, and the people who saw him come out, shouting "Bravo" : This is a NEW, GREAT, INCOMPREHENSIBLE AND BEAUTIFUL LIFE !

There are people who see fascism in our patriotism (and many journalists favor this point of view), or think that nothing will change, or justify their fears ( I understand them: we are afraid too, here in the square) who say "they will deceive everyone anyway" (it may be so, but so what?!?!?) . But all this is not about what I've written, this is not Life.

Today in Maidan Square and throughout Ukraine there is only Life and Death, Good and Evil. Anything else is superfluous, it is the ranting of people talking of themselves to themselves.

I hope all of us LIVE! All of us: to LIVE!! To do this we only need to recognize reality, understand that reality is VERY close! I apologize for sounding somewhat dramatic but in this situation, as our EX President said, we all find ourselves being a little "romantic".



“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”