02/20/2024, 10.59
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Avalanches in Afghanistan: at least 25 dead

Today's news: In India, the World Hindu Council calls for a lioness to be renamed a deity. Lionel Messi released a video to apologise for the missed match in Hong Kong. In Indonesia at least 71 people died of exhaustion after the election count. Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon. Tourism between Russia and North Korea.


Due to two avalanches, more than 25 people died in the eastern province of Nuristan and Panjshir. In recent days there have been heavy snowfalls that have blocked several main roads, which is why rescue efforts have slowed down. Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the conditions imposed by the Taliban for attending a meeting on Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar, were unacceptable, as they were demanding treatment that would imply recognition of their rule over the country. .


The Vishva Hindu Parishad, or World Hindu Council, linked to the ultra-nationalist party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has appealed to a court to ask that the name of the deity "Sita" given to a lioness in a zoo in West Bengal be changed because it is considered blasphemous and a direct attack on Hindu religious beliefs. The organization also opposes plans to keep the feline in the same wildlife park as a lion called Akbar, the name of a 16th-century Mughal ruler.


Beijing's harsh reaction against Argentine footballer Lionel Messi has been dragging on for weeks, as he released a video yesterday in which he explains that he did not take part in a match in Hong Kong on February 4 due to an injury. A few days later, however, the football star played a match in Japan, sparking the anger of Chinese fans. China then suspended two friendly matches scheduled in Hangzhou and Beijing in March, citing "reasons that everyone knows".


Indonesian authorities have announced that at least 71 people died from exhaustion during operations in the 800,000 polling stations where the February 14 elections were held. Indonesia is the most populous country in the world to hold elections in a single day. Around 4,000 more people fell ill in the days following the voting due to tiredness caused by the counting, despite the government having imposed an age limit and health checks for scrutineers. After the 2019 elections, 500 volunteers had died.


Israel hit two airstrikes in an area near the coastal town of Ghaziyeh, just south of Sidon and 60 km from the border in response to an attack by Hezbollah, the Israeli army said. Lebanese sources said the shelling hit factories and warehouses in an industrial area. One of the sources said at least 14 people were injured, most of them Syrian workers.


The first "test" trip was held for around a hundred Russian tourists in North Korea, who came from Vladivostok to Pyongyang, with the intention of going to the ski resorts, and they told reporters about the "thrill of being in the most closed country of the world". The list to take advantage of the opportunity was very long, but the permissions were limited, and based on the results it will then be decided how to develop relations in this sector.


Due to very strong winds in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan, there were numerous infrastructure failures which led the Ministry of Energy to close all compressed gas refueling stations throughout the country, waiting to recover the necessary level of pressure and avoid possible catastrophes.

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