

Just as the row over tariffs with the US and the EU intensifies, China is preparing to lift the last retaliatory measure still in place against Australia, Australian Prime Minister Albanese announced. In two years in office, the Australian leader has mended ties, keeping trade with China distinct from geopolitical issues.

In the Oceania archipelago marked by intensive exploitation by large multinationals, the pontiff urges ‘sustainable and equitable development’. The call  to the political community to work together so that the ‘tribal violence that causes many victims’ may cease. The invitation to the Church to have the strength to ‘always begin again’, to reach the most remote physical and human peripheries, including the victims of witchcraft accusations. The call to the blessed martyrs John Mazzucconi and Peter To Rot.

| 07/09/2024

Hundreds of people accompanied the journey from the airport to the nunciature. Some have walked for a week from the country’s remotest to be present. For the Secretary of the Catholic Bishops' Conference, Fr Giorgio Licini, youth unemployment and the victims of witchcraft are some of the issues, “which we hope Francis will address.”

| 06/09/2024
by sr. Shanty Joseph *

The testimony of an Indian religious of the Missionaries of the Immaculate from the first country in Oceania that will welcome the Pope in a week's time. Life on the most remote islands, the hand of God in trials and dangers, the challenge of truly bringing the Gospel inside traditional cultures, the need for new missionaries. ‘Living here has filled me with immense joy: the simple people here have inspired me, showing me the beauty of humility and the joy of daily life.’

| 30/08/2024
by Nirmala Carvalho

In September, the missionary will meet Pope Francis who will be in Papua New Guinea on his next apostolic journey. Hailing from India, the woman religious has been taking care of children aged 7 to 14 not enrolled in regular school for the past six years. She and other sisters and three teachers offer lessons of various types to guarantee the children a “brighter future”.

| 13/08/2024

People in Papua New Guinea are up in arms after 180 tonnes of seabed matter is extracted. Since 2019, Papua New Guinea had imposed a 10-year moratorium. The Jamaica-based International Seabed Authority is currently meeting to pick a new secretary general, who plays a crucial role in shaping policy vis-à-vis this controversial form of mining, which is backed by important business interests.

| 26/07/2024

A gang of about 30 young men attacked three villages on the Sepik River, Angoram district, inflicting violence on women, children, and the elderly. The police only arrived after several days. Local Caritas sources report that the feud is due to a land dispute that has been going on for years. For those who fled into the forest, the situation is now a humanitarian emergency.


| 25/07/2024
Editor's choices
Set for Friday, 25 October, the ordination in the Chinese capital becomes the first appointment (in agreement with Rome) after the renewal of the Agreement on episcopal appointments, expected in the coming days. The new prelate is 54 years old, just ...
| 18/10/2024
by Giorgio Bernardelli
Fr Alberto Berra, a PIME missionary in the city of the first atomic bomb in 1945, speaks about the decision to award the prize to the association that gives voice to the victims who still bear the signs of the explosion from almost eighty years ago. ...
| 11/10/2024
Chosen by the Swedish Academy for her ability to deal with "historical traumas” and “the fragility of human life", the 53-year-old author is the first Korean to win the prestigious award. Alongside "The Vegetarian", her most famous novel, ...
| 10/10/2024
by Nirmala Carvalho
Francis’s decision to choose George Koovakkad, 51, his close aide in organising papal journeys, and not to the new major Archbishop Thattil, means that in a few months this young priest will be the only cardinal elector of this Church of the Eastern ...
| 09/10/2024
by Dario Salvi
AsiaNews met with Archbishop Mathieu on the sidelines of the Synod, a few hours before the announcement of his elevation to the rank of cardinal. The appointment shows the pope's "incessant desire" to "weave and strengthen bonds with all peoples." ...
| 07/10/2024
Foreign migrants cannot access already overcrowded shelters and are exposed to Israeli bombs outdoors. A parish has opened its doors but dozens are crying for help every day. Migrants in Lebanon top 160,000, 65 per cent women, but they could be many ...
| 02/10/2024
Priests from Fujian travelled to the province of repressions against the Uyghurs to ‘educate the patriotic spirit’ and ‘grow in the path of Sinicisation’. They were led by Bishop Vincenzo Zhan Silu, one of the two Chinese ...
| 26/09/2024
by Alessandra De Poli
Forced to abandon the cathedral in November 2023 due to fighting, the bishop of Loikaw continues to care for the faithful of his diocese, now scattered in 200 refugee camps in remote areas. Speaking to AsiaNews, he talked about the tragedy of young people ...
| 25/09/2024
“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”