
by Santosh Digal | PHILIPPINES

Called Gaemi in neighbouring countries, the typhoon is now moving over Taiwan. At least 13 people have died and hundreds of thousands have been displaced in the flooded area that coincides with large parts of the large suburbs of the Philippine capital. People are reported still waiting for rescue on rooftops. Prayers for the rains to stop.

Today's headlines: Israeli protests Armenian recognition of the Palestinian state, continues to attack Rafah, killing 45. China wants to execute supporters of Taiwanese independence. Five Pakistani soldiers are killed in a TTP attack near the Afghan border. Russia’s parliament further restricts immigration.

| 22/06/2024

A singer and an actress said they were approached by a Beijing-based entertainment company offering millions if they join a new political party as an alternative to the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party. Taiwan’s Ministry of Interior warns that it is illegal to establish political parties under the influence of foreign powers.

| 20/06/2024

Even those who claim to have no creed engage in some form of ancestor worship, burning incense and leaving offerings at temples, this according to a report just released by the Pew Research Center on Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. The study highlights the difficulties of investigation in view of the local notion of religion, which in local languages is often associated only with hierarchical organisations. The rate of religious switching is higher in this region than anywhere else in the world.

| 18/06/2024

Today's news: UN Security Council votes on Gaza ceasefire resolution; Taipei arrested a Chinese citizen for ‘illegal entry’ by sea; Indonesia's population has the highest ingestion of microplastics among 109 countries in the world; Manhunt by Indian soldiers in Kashmir after an attack on a pilgrim bus; Tokyo wants to strengthen economic cooperation with Central Asian countries. 

| 11/06/2024

Today's headlines: WFP says floods in Afghanistan have exacerbated the country’s hunger crisis. Over 300 people are killed and 1,182 houses buried in a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea. Tens of thousands of people take to the streets in Taiwan against pro-Chinese reforms currently before parliament. Laos fails to stop human trafficking, especially of young people.

| 25/05/2024

Today's news: Up to 75 per cent of the Palestinians in Gaza are forcibly displaced, the Israeli army advances to Rafah, attacks in Jenin and authorises the return to three settlements in Samaria; Between 2016 and 2023, the Chinese authorities drove out more than 700,000 Tibetans; The Indonesian parliament wants to change the media law in a restrictive way; Bangladesh ruling party member found dead in India, three compatriots detained.


| 23/05/2024
Editor's choices
For years, China has been focusing on “minor” sports to get as many gold medals as possible. In Tokyo it won 38 against 39 for the United States. Most successes came in only six sports and mainly by women. This strategy is still pursued today ...
| 25/07/2024
The vice president, who is now running for the White House after Joe Biden bowed out, has never shied away from her roots in Tamil Nadu. Meeting Modi last year, she said that she got her passion for democracy from her grandfather in Chennai. The very ...
| 22/07/2024
The general secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party, the first to obtain three mandates, dies at the age of eighty. His powers were transferred yesterday to the former Minister of Public Security who, through his anti-corruption campaign, has removed ...
| 19/07/2024
Students, who have been protesting for days demanding the abolition of quotas in public hiring, set fire to the state TV headquarters and other government offices in response to a harsh police crackdown. Yesterday alone 32 people were killed. The protest ...
| 19/07/2024
Called Teachme AI, the software was recently tested at a meat shop. In 15 minutes, a 30-minute video can be created with instructions for foreign workers, who now number two million in Japan.  
| 17/07/2024
The PIME missionary from Italy today began a hunger strike in front of the government headquarter, Admiralty district. He is moved by the injustice inflicted upon an African immigrant’s daughter and hundreds of prisoners jailed for crimes of opinion. ...
| 15/07/2024
Elliptic, a British blockchain analysis company, exposes a marketplace called HuiOne Guarantee, which also involves Hun To, cousin of current Prime Minister Hun Manet. Chinese groups are involved in the illicit business. Worth US$ 11 billion dollars, ...
| 12/07/2024
by Sumon Corraya
Tens of thousands of young people have been on the streets for five days in the capital and across the country. They are demanding reform of the system that favours relatives of independence fighters. Amnesty's concern over police violence. Nil ...
| 12/07/2024
“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”