What are the repercussions in Asia of the deployment of Kim Jong-Un's troops in Ukraine? Prof Andrew Yeo told AsiaNews that geopolitical lines are being redrawn. Ukraine may be encouraging North Korean soldiers to desert, but support for Ukraine in South Korea is a divisive issue. For its part, China is trying to avoid being identified as part of the Russia-North Korea bloc.
Identified as Ri and Kang, 39 and 43, they were helping other women escape to South Korea. Victims of trafficking to China, once sent back to North Korea they were killed after a public trial, confirmed by several sources.
For the first time, three South Korean dioceses organised together this moment of encounter and prayer, with thoughts for the deceased and divided families. For Fr Jung, “While the Catholic Church’s support and companionship for North Korean defectors were more focused on the initial settlement in the past, now it seems that pastoral and spiritual companionship is also requested.”
A South Korean TV network reported the incident, while South Korean secret services say they are monitoring the situation. Some experts are sceptical, but during a meeting of the Politburo Kim Jong-un said he would punish those who “neglected” their duties.
Today's headlines: North Korea punishes students and officials for watching a film about the Korean War. Telephone and Internet restrictions leave large parts of Myanmar without information from abroad. In Bangladesh, garment factories reopen after forced closure due protests. War in Gaza hinders polio vaccination amid WHO warning of a possible epidemic.
The Paris Olympics opened with some confusion over South Korea’s name, annoying the East Asian country’s officials. Mixed Doubles Table Tennis instead took a group photo on the podium with a Samsung.