
by Mathias Hariyadi | INDONESIA

Outgoing President Joko Widodo signed a decree to this effect. Yet, despite government efforts, foreign investors are reluctant to get involved in the project. Widodo’s successor Prabowo does not seem keen on prioritising the new capital. The transfer of the first administrative offices, scheduled for this month, has been postponed.


by Mathias Hariyadi

The head of the group, active from 2019 to 2023, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Poachers are thought to have killed 26 animals, a very high number according to local animal rights activists. Some people believe that rhino horn has aphrodisiac properties.

| 06/07/2024

The detailed schedule of the trip the pontiff will make from 2 to 13 September in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore has been released. The pope will deliver 16 speeches and homilies in the longest journey of his pontificate. In addition to four capitals, he will visit the mission in Vanimo. In Dili the Mass will be held on an esplanade in front of the ocean.

| 05/07/2024
by Mathias Hariyadi

In a sudden and surprise vote, the Ethics Committee voted to end the term of office of Hasyim Asy'ari accused of molesting an (Indonesian) woman operative in The Hague. A number of serious ethical issues were raised against him. In a controversial decision, he had authorised the outgoing president's son to run in the last election by forcing the age limit.

| 04/07/2024
by Mathias Hariyadi

It will be led by Rev. Maksimus Regus, of the Ruteng clergy, until now rector of the local Catholic University of St. Paul. The territory is among the few in the archipelago where the Catholic presence is predominant (215 thousand out of a population of 276 thousand). The decision is linked to a "better pastoral service" for the community of the faithful.

| 25/06/2024
by Steve Suwannarat

Thailand and Malaysia are the latest two nations to express interest in the China-sponsored global forum. According to Premier Anwar Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur, the decision to join has already been made. More cautious are the Philippines and Vietnam, which fear a further strengthening of Beijing's political hegemony also in maritime disputes.

| 24/06/2024
by Steve Suwannarat

Advocates are pushing for legislation following a recent spate of violence against domestic workers. A draft bill was first tabled 20 years ago but never approved. Advocacy groups want the legislation passed because the more liberal President Joko Widodo will be replaced later this year by the more conservative, Retired General Prabowo Subianto.


| 21/06/2024
Editor's choices
For years, China has been focusing on “minor” sports to get as many gold medals as possible. In Tokyo it won 38 against 39 for the United States. Most successes came in only six sports and mainly by women. This strategy is still pursued today ...
| 25/07/2024
The vice president, who is now running for the White House after Joe Biden bowed out, has never shied away from her roots in Tamil Nadu. Meeting Modi last year, she said that she got her passion for democracy from her grandfather in Chennai. The very ...
| 22/07/2024
The general secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party, the first to obtain three mandates, dies at the age of eighty. His powers were transferred yesterday to the former Minister of Public Security who, through his anti-corruption campaign, has removed ...
| 19/07/2024
Students, who have been protesting for days demanding the abolition of quotas in public hiring, set fire to the state TV headquarters and other government offices in response to a harsh police crackdown. Yesterday alone 32 people were killed. The protest ...
| 19/07/2024
Called Teachme AI, the software was recently tested at a meat shop. In 15 minutes, a 30-minute video can be created with instructions for foreign workers, who now number two million in Japan.  
| 17/07/2024
The PIME missionary from Italy today began a hunger strike in front of the government headquarter, Admiralty district. He is moved by the injustice inflicted upon an African immigrant’s daughter and hundreds of prisoners jailed for crimes of opinion. ...
| 15/07/2024
Elliptic, a British blockchain analysis company, exposes a marketplace called HuiOne Guarantee, which also involves Hun To, cousin of current Prime Minister Hun Manet. Chinese groups are involved in the illicit business. Worth US$ 11 billion dollars, ...
| 12/07/2024
by Sumon Corraya
Tens of thousands of young people have been on the streets for five days in the capital and across the country. They are demanding reform of the system that favours relatives of independence fighters. Amnesty's concern over police violence. Nil ...
| 12/07/2024
“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”