
by Santosh Digal | PHILIPPINES

Called Gaemi in neighbouring countries, the typhoon is now moving over Taiwan. At least 13 people have died and hundreds of thousands have been displaced in the flooded area that coincides with large parts of the large suburbs of the Philippine capital. People are reported still waiting for rescue on rooftops. Prayers for the rains to stop.

Bishops' Conference president Bishop David issued a pastoral statement on the ongoing debate in the country, the last to not have a law recognising this institution. "We are also the only one to have a Constitution that places the family as the foundation of the nation. The Church respects the autonomy of parliament. "But consider also the statistics on the failure rates of marriages in countries where this law exists".

| 12/07/2024
by Santosh Digal

Bishop David, president of the Bishops' Conference, issued an appeal for dialogue between Manila and Beijing at the end of the recent bishops’ assembly. "Nobody wants war,” he said, stressing the need for dialogue. A prayer will be broadcast and recited across the country. A close encounter between two rival coast guards ships risks degenerating into a geopolitical conflict.

| 10/07/2024

A medical facility in Pasay with Chinese and Vietnamese doctors and nurses has been shut down. According to investigators, victims of modern-day slavery forced to work in online scams who fall ill or suffer torture are brought to these facilities, which are also used by fugitives seeking changes to their physical appearance to escape police.

| 08/07/2024
by Stefano Vecchia

The 74-year-old founder of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church is wanted by the FBI and the Philippine police for fraud, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation. Former President Rodrigo Duterte benefited from the preacher’s support in the 2016 election campaign and now administers the Church’s properties. The investigation is hampered by complicated relations with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

| 03/07/2024

In Manila, the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States spoke about Sino-Philippine tensions over sovereignty and maritime rights, recently highlighted by a direct clash at sea of the two countries’ navies. On the divorce law, the archbishop stressed that “the teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to marriage is very clear,” but “it is a matter for the bishops” to deal with.

| 02/07/2024

Francis dedicated today's general audience to the World Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. "Let just laws be promoted to help drug addicts". Meaningful words for the continent of the Golden Triangle, but also for the Chinese companies that export the active ingredients for the production of Fentanyl and Duterte's bloody 'war on drugs'.


| 26/06/2024
Editor's choices
For years, China has been focusing on “minor” sports to get as many gold medals as possible. In Tokyo it won 38 against 39 for the United States. Most successes came in only six sports and mainly by women. This strategy is still pursued today ...
| 25/07/2024
The vice president, who is now running for the White House after Joe Biden bowed out, has never shied away from her roots in Tamil Nadu. Meeting Modi last year, she said that she got her passion for democracy from her grandfather in Chennai. The very ...
| 22/07/2024
The general secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party, the first to obtain three mandates, dies at the age of eighty. His powers were transferred yesterday to the former Minister of Public Security who, through his anti-corruption campaign, has removed ...
| 19/07/2024
Students, who have been protesting for days demanding the abolition of quotas in public hiring, set fire to the state TV headquarters and other government offices in response to a harsh police crackdown. Yesterday alone 32 people were killed. The protest ...
| 19/07/2024
Called Teachme AI, the software was recently tested at a meat shop. In 15 minutes, a 30-minute video can be created with instructions for foreign workers, who now number two million in Japan.  
| 17/07/2024
The PIME missionary from Italy today began a hunger strike in front of the government headquarter, Admiralty district. He is moved by the injustice inflicted upon an African immigrant’s daughter and hundreds of prisoners jailed for crimes of opinion. ...
| 15/07/2024
Elliptic, a British blockchain analysis company, exposes a marketplace called HuiOne Guarantee, which also involves Hun To, cousin of current Prime Minister Hun Manet. Chinese groups are involved in the illicit business. Worth US$ 11 billion dollars, ...
| 12/07/2024
by Sumon Corraya
Tens of thousands of young people have been on the streets for five days in the capital and across the country. They are demanding reform of the system that favours relatives of independence fighters. Amnesty's concern over police violence. Nil ...
| 12/07/2024
“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”