11/05/2022, 14.14
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Myanmar: military shells Baptist-run school, wounding four

The other news of the day: Uyghurs disappointed by German Chancellor Scholz's few words on human rights in Beijing. A radical Hindu leader is killed in Amritsar, Sikhism’s holiest city. The interim leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood dies in London. Iranian insurance companies provide Russians with “40 years of experience in the economics of sanctions”.


Four people were injured in a Myanmar after the country’s military shelled a Kachin Baptist-run Bible school in Kukkai, a city in Shan, a northern state torn apart by fighting between the military and ethnic armed groups. According to local sources, no fighting was taking place in the area when the attack occurred.


Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress, expressed disappointment that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz only briefly mentioned human rights during his visit to Beijing and that the delegation that accompanied him included no human rights experts, only business representatives. “It is extremely disappointing to state that the genocide of the Uyghurs is due to a different understanding of human rights,” Isa said in the statement," ISA said.


South Korea scrambled dozens of stealth fighter jets and other warplanes on Friday after its radars identified more than 180 North Korean aircraft activities at various locations. North Korean planes, including fighters and bombers, were spotted flying over inland areas and off the western and eastern coasts. North Korea has fiercely objected to the ongoing joint air drills between South Korea and the United States, called Vigilant Storm.


A radical Hindu radical leader, Sudhir Suri, was shot dead in Amritsar, home to the famous Golden Temple, one of Sikhism's holiest sites. A local shopkeeper was arrested in connection with the murder. Sikhs had accused Suri of derogatory comments about their faith and community. According to the police, the radical Hindu was outside a local temple to protest against the alleged desecration of Hindu deities.


Interim Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Ibrahim Munir died at the age of 85 at his home in London, where he lived in exile. Munir took over two years ago. The Brotherhood's general guide, Mohammed Badie, is among thousands of people detained since the summer of 2013, when General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi overthrew then President Mohamed Morsi, a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Iranian insurance companies have created a consortium to operate in the Russian market, primarily in the energy field, cargo ships, and commercial transport. Russian oil and gas supplies, as well as planes and satellites, will be insured, based on “40 years of experience in sanctions economics”.


According to the Political Circus (Политический Цирк, Politichesky Cirk) website, 1 per cent of Russians hold almost 60 per cent of the country’s wealth, including 83 billionaires with a total wealth of 320 billion roubles. About 70 per cent of Russians own only 7 per cent of assets, and many are below the poverty line, including conscripts who have to buy their own equipment to go and die in Ukraine.

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