The regulation approved by the Diet overcomes the current employment system that ended up favouring abuses. A new attempt to counter the labour shortage. Increased flexibility is provided by reduced timeframes and favoured access to qualified positions: it will be possible to leave unprofitable and discriminating positions. 

Francis spoke at the expanded session of the summit underway in Puglia under Italy’s presidency. This is the first time a pontiff sits among the world’s top political leaders. In his address, he focused on artificial intelligence, an “exciting and fearsome tool”, making an appeal for safeguards to protect the dignity of every human being. During his meeting with the Holy Father, the Indian prime minister renewed his invitation to visit India.

| 14/06/2024

An ethnic Santal, Mohan Charan Majhi becomes Odisha’s new chief minister. He comes from the ranks of the RSS, the BJP’s paramilitary group that promotes Hindu supremacy. In the past, he supported a fanatic jailed for killing Christians and Muslims. According to experts, the BJP is trying to prove that even those from disadvantaged castes can come to power.

| 14/06/2024
by Joseph Masilamany

Convent Light Street, founded by the French Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, served the region’s orphans and youth for over 170 years. It now becomes an international school, but leaves behind an exemplary history of missionary zeal. For a Muslim alumna, the school taught her respect for other religions.

| 14/06/2024
by Steve Suwannarat

A report by the United States Institute of Peace highlights the danger. Since 2021, the growing influence of criminal groups has affected individuals and the national security of individual states. For experts, more coordination between Beijing and Washington is needed. Such criminal networks have a turnover of US$ 64 billion.

| 14/06/2024

The Pope speaks to a global gathering of comedians received in audience at the Vatican. "In your own way you unite people, because laughter is contagious. You know how to awaken the critical sense without spreading alarm or terror and without humiliating anyone. Help us, with a smile, to see reality with its contradictions, and to dream of a better world'".

| 14/06/2024

This is according to the latest UN report 'Children and Armed Conflict' soon to be published. Since last year, YPG militiamen continue to detain more than 800 minors under the pretext of 'association' with other armed groups. Violations and abuses at an "alarming" level throughout the country, violations of child rights. 

| 14/06/2024
Editor's choices
Francis spoke at the expanded session of the summit underway in Puglia under Italy’s presidency. This is the first time a pontiff sits among the world’s top political leaders. In his address, he focused on artificial intelligence, an “exciting ...
| 14/06/2024
by Gianni Criveller
The great German Reformed theologian, who passed away a few days ago at the age of 98, nurtured dialogue with cultural Christians in Hong Kong and Beijing. He recognised the dignity and sincerity of another theological journey in China, however controversial, ...
| 09/06/2024
by Sumon Corraya
Caritas Secretary General Alistair Dutton visits the refugee camps where Caritas Bangladesh has been active since 2017 together with the Government of Bangladesh. Global food aid has fallen to US$ 10 per person per month, which has serious consequences. ...
| 08/06/2024
According to Prof Sebasti L. Raj, the BJP lost some key constituencies because it focused on religious issues rather than solve people’s real problems. The opposition is not a single bloc; to succeed, it must remain united. New undercurrents within ...
| 07/06/2024
by Dario Salvi
Yesterday at the Centro PIME in Milan, the nun spoke about the six months of brutality she experienced in Gaza. The war came on suddenly, with violence greater than in the past, which “removed the veil of human rights". Christians too are among ...
| 05/06/2024
For years he has travelled the country barefoot, from north to south, feeding on alms and sleeping in the forests. A eulogy of religious devotion through the 13 ascetic practices of ‘Dhutanga’. Hostilised by official Buddhism, the monk is ...
| 01/06/2024
by Gianni Criveller
AsiaNews’s editorial director looks at the conferences that marked a hundred years since the Council of Shanghai. While acknowledging past mistakes, he insists that most missionaries were committed to the good of the Chinese people. The nationalism ...
| 23/05/2024
by Giorgio Bernardelli
The bishop of Shanghai is in Rome for the conference marking the centennial of the first meeting of all Chinese bishops. The Church is one, but its development in China must "be in line" with the "great rebirth of the Chinese nation”. Communion ...
| 21/05/2024
“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”