01/05/2009, 00.00
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New Delhi gives Pakistan evidence on authors of massacre in Mumbai

The documentation reveals the involvement of the militant Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba, the organizer and executor of the attack. Part of the evidence emerged from the interrogations of the only surviving terrorist. Islamabad, which has always rejected any charges, confirms that it has received the document.

New Delhi (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Indian government has provided the evidence on the involvement of Pakistani "elements" in the attacks last November 26 in Mumbai. Indian foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee made the announcement today, saying that a dossier has been sent to the government of Islamabad, in which there is "reliable information on the responsibility of the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET)."

The massacre killed at least 173 people, and has been called an "unpardonable crime" by minister Mukherjee, according to whom Pakistan must "act on the basis of the information provided," and apply the bilateral agreements in the area of security reached with India. The government of New Delhi immediately blamed Pakistani militant groups, believed to be the organizers and executors of the attack on November 26; Islamabad confirms that it has received the dossier, which was delivered to the Pakistani high commissioner in New Delhi, and is investigating its contents.

The documentation delivered to the Pakistani government, says Pranab Mukherjee, will also be made available to the international community. Part of the evidence emerged during the "interrogations of Mohammad Ajmal Qasab," the only attackers survived the massacre; it concerns "links with elements in Pakistan during the attack, recovered weapons and equipment, and data retrieved from recovered GPS and satellite phones."

Last month, Pranab Mukherjee called Pakistani militant groups "the greatest threat to peace and security in the entire world," and issued heavy accusations against the government of Islamabad, for failing to accept its "own responsibility" in regard to the massacres.

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