While China is systematically erasing the memory of the brutal repression of student protests on 4 June 1989, 14 prominent participants of that movement are still behind bars, rearrested for their struggle for democracy. Chinese Human Rights Defenders issued an appeal for their release. In Hong Kong there is concern for Jimmy Lai's health.

by Melani Manel Perera

Torrential rains that have been continuing unabated for days yesterday resulted in deaths and missing persons. Extensive destruction, schools closed. Rainfall of up to 150 mm is expected, with the Disaster Management Centre urging people in the valleys to move to higher ground. The anger of the inhabitants of Maikkulama in Chilaw: ‘Floods two or three times a year. No one pays attention to our situation’. 

| 03/06/2024

Work on the mega-project has resumed after a 10-year stalemate. A delegation from Beijing visited the country in recent days. A facility competing with the route planned by the Emirates and Turkey. The unresolved knot of maritime disputes with Iraq. At the weekend the Emir signed the appointment of Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah as Crown Prince. 

| 03/06/2024
by Vladimir Rozanskij

During his visit to Tashkent Putin called Uzbekistan ‘the largest country in Central Asia’, despite Kazakhstan being six times larger. And in Astana there are those who cry provocation. In the background is the ‘cooling’ of relations with Moscow in a strategic area for trade routes between China and Europe.

| 03/06/2024

A community in Jiangxi wanted images of the Irish priests who served it between the 1920s and 1950s to appear on the stained glass windows in the renovation of its parish restored after long being a kindergarten. Including a martyr killed by Communist militias, whose grave is still a place revered by local Catholics.

| 02/06/2024

Fresh Angelus appeal to rulers, for peace in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Myanmar. Dramatic humanitarian crisis in Sudan also recalled. On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi: Christians called to be "Eucharistic," to "make their lives a gift for others."

| 02/06/2024
by Mathias Hariyadi

The event was held at the end of last month in the Indonesian capital. The participants were taught how to use the material of photos and stories collected to reach a wider audience with the Gospel.


| 01/06/2024
Editor's choices
by Gianni Criveller
AsiaNews’s editorial director looks at the conferences that marked a hundred years since the Council of Shanghai. While acknowledging past mistakes, he insists that most missionaries were committed to the good of the Chinese people. The nationalism ...
| 23/05/2024
by Giorgio Bernardelli
The bishop of Shanghai is in Rome for the conference marking the centennial of the first meeting of all Chinese bishops. The Church is one, but its development in China must "be in line" with the "great rebirth of the Chinese nation”. Communion ...
| 21/05/2024
Three people have died and hundreds have been injured in recent clashes between police and pro-independence protesters in the French Overseas Territory. For the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), “It cannot be ignored that eruption of violence ...
| 17/05/2024
by Silvia Torriti
Cranes and excavators are back at work after they were halted in June 2020 following local opposition and academic criticism, social media in China report. Ostensibly, the goal is to modernise rural life by merging a fifth of 70,000 villages, forcing ...
| 16/05/2024
Today's news: Pyongyang laundered 7.5 million in stolen cryptocurrencies in March alone; Rosewood trade from Mozambique to China finances Islamic State militants; YouTube blocks "Glory to Hong Kong" videos as requested by local government; Israel ...
| 15/05/2024
Zhang Zhan, 40, was a leading human rights advocate in Shanghai. The Christian woman was supposed to be freed today after four years in prison, but her fate remains unknown while her family has been forced into silence. Activist groups following her ...
| 13/05/2024
Receiving in audience a delegation led by the new Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, the pontiff publicly expressed his assent to a request made for years by the Churches of the East, especially for their faithful in the Persian Gulf. A new harsh warning ...
| 13/05/2024
by Nirmala Carvalho
The 38-year-old member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross graduated from college in Mumbai before embracing the religious life. The new priest told AsiaNews: “My vocation and mission as a priest are to provide all the Sacraments in the Indian ...
| 07/05/2024
“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”