12/12/2005, 00.00
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Georgian Church prepares first synod

Preparatory phase is underway. Goals are set out in pastoral letter by Mgr Giuseppe Pasotto.

Tbilisi (AsiaNews) – Preparations for the first synod of the Latin Church of Georgia scheduled for next year have begun. In a pastoral letter, Giuseppe Pasotto, apostolic administrator of the Latin Church in the Caucasus, writes that the first goal of synod "is to pray and reflect on how we can find together (with the Church) the fullness of Christian life and perfection of charity. This means taking quite concrete steps."

"The synod," the letter says, "must lead us to decisions and commitments on issues we must identify and to which we must respond in ways everyone agrees to."

"We are committed to a Church that listens: we can reflect on the need to listen to the Word, catechesis, laity training and ways to engage in ecumenism."

"We are committed to a Church that prays: we can reflect on our liturgy and spiritual initiatives.

"We are committed to a Church that acts: we can reflect on our commitment to social issues, culture, politics, family, care for the poor, developing local Caritas and volunteering."

The current phase of "involving the faithful" in December" will be followed by a day in which all pastoral councils and community representatives will meet the bishop in Zerovani (January 8, 2006) as well as the activities of the pastoral and ecclesial realities council.

In late February 2006, a summary of all this will be presented to the synod council. By April, a working document should be ready and synod members elected. Afterwards, the synod should take place.

On December 15, 2006 (tenth anniversary of the service of the apostolic administrator), the "bishop shall sign and promulgate the Book of the Synod which contains the indications of the Assembly".

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