03/23/2011, 00.00
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Two Christians gunned down by armed Muslims outside Church in Pakistan

The attack took place in Hyderabad. Two others were seriously injured. A group of Muslims were bothering women as they entered the Church resulting in an argument, during which the attackers opened fire on the Christians. Police have not arrested any of the attackers who still roam free.

Karachi (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Two Christians were gunned down and two others are in serious condition after young Muslims attacked them outside a church in Hyderabad on the evening of March 21. Christians living in Camp Hurr, in Hyderabad, in Sindh, were celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of their church and the Salvation Army when a group of young Muslims gathered outside the church, playing loud music and annoying the Christian women who entered the church.

Younis Masih, 47, Siddique Masih, 45, Jameel Masih, 22, and a youth named Waseem came out of a church to ask the Muslims to respect the people and place. An argument ensued.  Shortly afterwards the Muslims returned armed with guns. Witnesses say that Muslims opened fire immediately, killing him instantly Younis Masih and Jameel Masih, and seriously injuring the other two Christians, who were transported to hospital in Karachi. Younis Masih leaves a wife and four children; Jameel only married a month ago.

The attitude of the authorities has exacerbated the Christians. Jameel's mother, Surraya Bibi, says: "The police acted as if it was not important. They didn’t file the report until late at night when we blocked the main road of Hyderabad, with the two dead bodies for several hours". So far police have not arrested any of the accused, who are still at large. They instead arrested some teenagers who are not involved in the crime.

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