by Maurizio d'Orlando
Non-representative economic figures, difficulties in obtaining enough energy supplies and, above all, the need to maintain a repressive system are the stumbling blocks to a less than rosy future for the Asian giant.
| 07/05/2004
| China - Europe
by Xiao Xi
Wen Jiabao's European trip reveals a China that has become a major political player in the world. At the same time it reveals a Europe lacking in imagination and cultural-religious identity. AsiaNews offers the opinion of a China expert to promote discussion about this Far Eastern giant, even if the article's opinions are not completely shared by our press agency.
| 07/05/2004
| China - Europe
by Bernardo Cervellera
| 07/05/2004
| China - Europe
"Priests of the Underground Church live a wretched life"
| 07/05/2004
by Maurizio d'Orlando
| 24/04/2004
| China
The government opposition is divided due to polemics raised over their defeat in elections. Meanwhile the economy helps to build relations to with China.
| 22/04/2004
| Taiwan - China
A few days ago a gas leak provoked 9 deaths and the flight of 150,000 inhabitants.
| 21/04/2004
| China
The government feared an outpour of remembrance celebrations for Bishop Fan Xueyan, who died while undergoing harsh torture in 1992.
| 16/04/2004