Francis, who appeared chilled in the Paul VI Hall, again turned his thoughts to the countries ‘suffering from war’, also mentioning Jordan. To the Polish pilgrims, he invited them to pray for consecrated people in poor and conflicted countries: for many people they are ‘proof that God always remembers them’. The catechesis - read by an official of the secretariat of state - on the Visitation: ‘The Magnificat: praise of faith, hope and joy’.
At the general audience in the Paul VI Hall the appeal for the region of North Kivu, the region of the Democratic Republic of Congo occupied by the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda: ‘Let the violence to people and their property cease’. In the catechesis the example of St Joseph: ‘Let us ask with him the grace to dream God's dreams and responsibly welcome Christ’.
At the audience in the Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis recalled the days - Jan. 18-25 - dedicated to prayer for ecumenism. Again a call for peace in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Mynamar. Relief for Gaza's Holy Family parish: “I called yesterday, they were happy. There are 600 people in there." Los Angeles community entrusted to the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Catechesis on the Annunciation: 'Mary does not seek outside but inside'.
Meeting pilgrims in the Paul VI Hall he recalled the millions of children exposed to dangerous activities despite their young age or kidnapped for organ transplants. Proximity to the populations of Kachin State in Myanmar where landslides have sown death and destruction. ‘We pray for the conversion of the hearts of arms manufacturers’.
At today's audience in Paul VI Hall, Bergoglio began 2025 with the first of two catechesis dedicated to the youngest. He condemned the scourge of child labour, exploitation and abuse: ‘May every boy and girl grow up receiving and giving love’. After Epiphany the invitation to ‘reflect light with one's life’.
At the Wednesday audience, the pontiff began his reflection on Christ's childhood. The meanings related to genealogy are explained with women's names at the start of the Gospel of Matthew. "No one gives life to himself, but receives it as a gift from others,” he said. For Christmas, the pontiff is encouraging the faithful to put up a nativity scene at home. “This,” Francis said, “is an important element of our spirituality and culture”. He also called for prayers for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine and Myanmar.
From the Paul VI Hall, the appeal for the country after the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime: "May the Syrian people live in peace and security in their beloved land," and may the religions "walk together in mutual respect". This morning, there was also a meeting with the non-profit organization ResQ - People Saving People: "Migrants should be welcomed and integrated". The cycle of catechesis on the Holy Spirit was concluded: "If the Church is a boat, the Spirit is the sail that drives it".
Pope Francis again expresses sorrow over conflicts: ‘So many dead children, so many dead innocents’. Thoughts for Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Myanmar. The catechesis on the Holy Spirit and the Church - for the first time translated into Chinese - dedicated to preaching: ‘Beyond 8 minutes no-one understands anything. Preach Jesus, not yourself’.
As of next week, a summary of the catechesis will be presented every Wednesday in St. Peter's Square in the most widely spoken language in the world. The announcement, personally made today by the pontiff, is part of the new climate between the Vatican and China. To the faithful, Francis, mentioned the harsh winter in Ukraine, and appealed for more peacemakers, not wars. In the catechesis on the "fruits of the Spirit", he said that the Gospel must be proclaimed without a long face.
The pontiff read a letter from a young Ukrainian university student at the general audience. In it, the young man laments “too many deaths”, noting that “only love, faith, and hope give real meaning to our wounds.” The Vatican will host the World Meeting on Children's Rights on 3 February 2025. Carlo Acutis and Pier Giorgio Frassati will be proclaimed saints in next year’s jubilee. The pontiff met with an Iranian delegation for interreligious dialogue. He said that the Church in the Mideastern country is “a small flock”, stressing that religious freedom is the “cornerstone of the entire edifice of human rights.”
At the general audience, the pontiff continued the cycle of catechesis on the Holy Spirit and his ‘bride’, the Church. The meditation dedicated to ‘Marian piety’: Our Lady is ‘a letter written with the Spirit of the living God’, which can be ‘read’ by all. The ‘yes’ to the Angel is an example of ‘availability combined with active readiness’, he said. At the end the invitation not to forget the countries at war.
In Wednesday's general audience in St Peter's Square, Francis shared the pain for the civilians "gunned down" in Gaza and Valencia, invaded by mud. He laid a flower in front of the “Virgin of the Forsaken,” patroness of the Spanish city, reciting the Hail Mary with the faithful. Today’s catechesis was centred on prayer, "sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit", advocate before God.
Today's general audience recalled the 150 innocent people ‘gunned down’ yesterday in northern Gaza by Israeli raids. Reiterated several times the appeal to pray for peace in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar and North Kivu: ‘In war nobody wins’. Catechesis on Confirmation: ‘Let it not be a sacrament of farewell, but of active participation in the Church’.
From St Peter's Square, the pope shared in the pain due to conflicts in the world and their death numbers, including the frightening level of military spending. Speaking about John Paul II, whose memory was celebrated yesterday, Francis said that he was “the pope of families”. Couples were at the centre of today’s catechesis on the Holy Spirit. “The human couple” is the ”realization of the communion of love that is the Trinity”.
At the general audience Francis' commentary on the words of the Creed on the third person of the Trinity. New appeal to continue to ‘pray and fight for peace’. The memory of Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko killed by the communist regime 40 years ago in Poland: ‘He taught to overcome evil with good’.
From St Peter's Square the invitation to pray the rosary ‘every day’. Entrusted to the ‘caring mother’ Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar and Sudan, and the populations suffering ‘the madness of war’. The comment on the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles: the unity of the Church ‘is not achieved at the table, but in life’.
At his Wednesday general audience, he expressed sorrow for the news from the Land of the Cedars. Proximity to the Lebanese people and to all ‘peoples tormented’ by wars. Catechesis on the Holy Spirit as ally against the evil that hides in superstition: ‘There is no dialogue with the devil’.
In the general audience held today in St Peter's Square, Francis retraced the stages of the apostolic journey that in recent days has taken him to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore. "I met living communities that grow by attraction. It gladdened my heart to be able to spend some time with the missionaries and catechists of today’.
Francis interrupted the cycle of reflections on the Holy Spirit to talk about migration, highlighting the deadly difficulties many face crossing seas and deserts. He expressed the need for a ‘global governance of migrations based on justice, brotherhood and solidarity’. Condemnation for rejections and restrictive laws. Praise for the commitment of those who rescue migrants, including Mediterranea Saving Humans.
In his weekly Wednesday catechesis, recalling today's feast of St. Pius X, Francis addressed a thought for all catechists and catechists: “They work so hard, in some parts of the world they are the first to carry out the faith: may the Lord give them courage.” The invitation to continue praying for peace in the Holy Land, Ukraine and other war-torn parts of the world.
In his first Wednesday audience after the July break, the pontiff renewed his appeal to prevent the war from spreading and to end the “unsustainable” humanitarian situation in Gaza. He called for prayers to eliminate “discrimination against women” in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In a new cycle of catechesis, he proposed a reflection on the Holy Spirit in the Incarnation. Before the audient, the pontiff met with a delegation representing the Afghan community in Italy.
At the general audience the Pope paid homage to China by greeting the Association of Friends of Card. Celso Costantini, builder of bridges between East and West. A thought also for the Refugee Day that the UN will celebrate tomorrow: "States should work to offer humane conditions and integration". The catechesis dedicated to the psalms: "There is no state of mind that does not find in them the best words to transform them into prayer".
In St Peter's Square the weekly catechesis dedicated today to the theme ‘All Scripture is inspired by God’. The Word ‘suddenly illuminates’ when it throws light on life's situations. Recalling the wars, a new appeal: ‘Let us pray for peace’. On St. Anthony of Padua: an example to be ‘credible witnesses of the Gospel’.
Francis' appeal in view of the Jubilee entrusted to participants at a meeting promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. ‘No government can morally demand that its people suffer deprivations incompatible with human dignity’. At the general audience the reflection on the freedom that comes from the ‘wind of the Holy Spirit’.
In today’s general audience in St Peter's Square, the pontiff kicked off a new round of reflections, this time on the action of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation. “The Spirit is harmony," Francis explained. He also talked about the "havoc" humanity is visiting upon Creation, as well as how to undertake the "way of contemplation" like Francis of Assisi. The Holy Father spoke about the victims of a landslide in Papua New Guinea. Turning to Ukraine, Palestine, and Myanmar, he said “War is always cruel.”
The pontiff issues a new appeal for peace from St Peter's, asking the world not to forget “martyred Ukraine", Israel, Palestine, and Myanmar, at “this time of world war". In his catechesis, he praised humility, his last reflection in the cycle dedicated to vices and virtues. Greeting a group of novices, he mentioned the shortage of vocations to consecrated life in Italy, inviting them to pray.
Francis pleads for peace again during this Wednesday general audience. Calling for a “definitive peace”, he slammed war, which “is always a defeat. Always.” He also mentioned "tormented Ukraine", Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, and “all peoples who suffer war". Charity is the focus of his weekly catechesis, “for those who are not lovable, [. . .] even for one’s enemy.”
Countries bent by war and violence remembered: Palestine, Israel, Ukraine and Myanmar again recalled at the Wednesday audience. May the intercession of St Stanislaus 'obtain also today the gift of peace in Europe and throughout the world'. The theological virtue of hope, accompanied by patience, belongs to those who "stubbornly desire peace".
In the general audience Francis renewed his invitation to pray for peace. In the catechesis he reflected on the theological virtue of faith. "Its great enemy is not reason, but fear". A gift that "must be asked daily, so that it may be renewed in us".
Dedicated to the last of the deadly sins the catechesis of today's general audience back in St Peter's Square. On the path of Lent the invitation to "free yourself from everything that masks your life in order to return with all your heart to God who loves us with eternal love". "Let us continue to pray for those who suffer the horror of war".