At the general audience, the pontiff urged the faithful once again to become builders of “unity and peace” in the family, the Church and society. In his catechesis on old age, Francis noted that it is "a promise" and a time to approach with greater wisdom the encounter with God. For him, seeking eternal youth is “delusional”.
During the general audience, Francis turned his thoughts to the families of the victims of Lebanon’s “unprecedented catastrophe”. He also spoke about his recent apostolic journey to Canada, which provided an opportunity for reflection, repentance, and reconciliation. IN his greetings, he urged the faithful to pray for “peace in the world, especially in Ukraine”.
Francis dedicated his homily for the solemnity of the two apostles to the synodal path. He also blessed the pallia of 44 archbishops appointed in the past year. At the Angelus he prayed for the victims of the war in Ukraine hit in the Kremenchuck shopping mall. Yesterday, the logo of the 2025 Jubilee was unveiled with “Pilgrims of hope” as its motto.
The pontiff called for help for the Asian country during this morning’s general audience. Francis also lamented the murder of two Jesuit priests in Mexico. During the catechesis on old age, he focused on the interaction between the Risen Jesus and Peter, urging the faithful to follow Jesus “in health and in sickness”. Citing the World Meeting of Families that starts this evening in Rome, he expressed hope that the elderly "will pass onto young people the values of a happy family life rooted in God”.
The pontiff issued a new appeal during today’s general audience. Continuing the series of catechesis on old age, he said that “Even in old age one can, or rather one must serve the community.” He also noted that “we must listen to the body and accept its limits. We all have them.” The Solemnity of Corpus Christi calls upon us “to go out and bring the Lord into everyday life”.
During today’s general audience, Francis focused again on the consequences of the war in Ukraine, making “a heartfelt appeal that every effort be made to resolve this issue”. During the catechesis, he asked political leaders, “How is it that modern civilisation, so advanced and efficient, is so uncomfortable with sickness and old age?”
During today’s general audience, Francis expressed his sorrow following the latest mass shooting in a Texas elementary school. The pontiff continued his catechesis on old age, urging seniors not to give in to disenchantment. “[I]f the elderly, who have seen it all [. . .], keep intact their passion for justice, then there is hope for love, and also for faith.”
During this morning’s general audience in St Peter’s Square, the pontiff focused on the figure of Job, warning the faithful against the type of religiosity that “explains everything, but” whose “heart remains cold.” Speaking to the men and women religious inspired by Charles de Foucauld, Francis said that his spirituality “helped me so much to overcome crises and to find a way of Christian life that was simpler”.
Francis' appeal at general audience for grave crisis shaking South Asian country: let people's aspirations be heard. "Let us entrust the world's ardent desire for peace to Our Lady of Fatima." Continuing the cycle of catechesis on old age, the pontiff dwelt on the biblical figure of Judith: "The good sown is the best legacy we can leave behind."
In his Wednesday general audience, continuing the cycle on old age, Francis spoke about the relationship between generations in the family, taking his cue from the biblical book of Ruth. "Faith and love can make it possible to overcome common sense prejudices, which generate insuperable fractures."
On the eve of the Easter Triduum in his general audience, Francis warns against the temptation of "a false peace, based on power," while "the peace of Jesus does not overpower others, it is never an armed peace." And to participants in an interfaith pilgrimage in Ukraine, he writes: "War is a shameful surrender, a defeat in the face of the forces of evil."
During the general audience, Francis held up a Ukrainisn flag he received from the city that is the scene of "increasingly horrific cruelty". "In the dominant logic of the most powerful states asserting their interests, we witness the impotence of the UN." From his trip to Malta "which has mission in its DNA" an invitation to the new evangelization.
At the Wednesday general audience, thanks to the Poles who are taking in Ukrainian refugees. "Our prayer and fasting remind us that peace always begins with our personal conversion". In the catechesis a reflection on longevity as a symbol and an opportunity: "The arrogance of the time of the clock must be converted into the beauty of the rhythms of life."
Concluding the cycle of catechesis on St Joseph, in today's general audience Francis dwelt on the title of patron of the universal Church attributed to him 150 years ago. "When I have a problem with someone, do I try to guard them or do I condemn them immediately?". Prayers for a religous killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo on February 2, after celebrating Mass.
Francis at the general audience: the international community must work for reconciliation. Catechesis to the faithful on devotion to saints to be purified from a pagan mentality. Prayer for religious on the Day for Consecrated Life and a thought for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games that are about to begin in Beijing.
"I I appeal to everyone, especially educators and families, to foster in the new generations an awareness of the horror of this black page of history". "I ask you to pray the Our Father for peace in Ukraine, now and throughout this Day. Let us ask the Lord to grant that the country may grow in the spirit of brotherhood, and that all hurts, fears and divisions will be overcome."
"Our sins, our mistakes, our falls, do not frighten God, let's get that straight in our heads, but he is frightened by the closure of our hearts, by our lack of faith in His love". "It is right that those who have erred should pay for their error, but it is just as right that those who have erred should be able to redeem themselves from their error. There can be no condemnation without a window of hope." "We pray that all disciples of Christ may persevere on the path of unity."
"What gives dignity is not bringing bread home. You can get it from Caritas — no, this doesn’t give you dignity. What gives you dignity is earning bread — and if we don’t give our people, our men and women, the ability to earn bread, that is a social injustice in that place."